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Pre Sales

Pre-sales module allows you to send sales order directly from the field, without the hassle of inventory management.

Written by Ayman Atmeh
Updated over a week ago

Before You can use our sales module you have to define some prerequisites for example ( Categories , Sub categories , Taxes , Product Brands , Sales MSL ,etc... )

Product Categories & Sub Categories

1- Lets start with Product Categories

Goto Side-menu => Settings => Sales => Product Categories

2- click Add Category , and choose a name , local name(Arabic name )

  • Click on any category in tree view , a new button will appear to add a sub category under this category , then you. can select a name and local name.

  • you can Bulk import categories by selecting import categories or import subcategories


Goto Side-menu => Settings => Sales => Taxes

  • Click on Create Tax

  • Select Tax name , Tax Rate and Tax type ,

  • Tax types are inclusive and additive.

Unit of measure

Goto Side-menu => Settings => Sales => Measures

  • Click on Plus arrow

  • Choose a measure name and measure factor for example ( Carton X24 and its factor is 24 )

Create your first product

Goto Side-menu => Products

  • Click on Add Product

  • Choose a product name , Category (already defined in previous steps) , SKU ,

    Tax ( if applicable ) , Local Name (Arabic Name) , Sub Category ( optional) , Default Unit of measure

  • also you can upload a product image and it will be visible in your representative's mobile app

  • Now Let's move to variants .

  • Think of variants like colors , or sizes ( for example if you have a product called American Coffee) this product could have several sizes so we can create 3 variants under the same product , Small ( 3 $ ) Medium (4.5$) and Large (5$)

  • This approach is very helpful when you go to reports and measure Total sales for American Coffee . (it would give you all sizes's sales ) but of course you can measure single variant's sales for example ) .

  • so when you are building your product list choose your variants wisely .

  • each Variant has a name , local name and price .

  • if you wish to add multiple variants just click on add variants button

Sales MSL

Goto Side-menu => Settings => Sales => Sales MSL

What is Sales MSL ? think of it as a container of products. You can create MSLs as much as you want , and assign it to your representatives . This concept is applicable when your representatives work on different product lines , so it wont confuse them to have all products visible in their list , only Sales MSL will be listed in their mobile app .

  • Create Sales MSL

  • Choose a name ( for example Detergents)

  • Click on the eye's icon to add products and variants .

  • Add a product , variant and click save

  • Now you have a sales MSL that contains several variants that needs to assign for a specific rep

  • Go to Side menu => representatives

  • Choose one of your representatives => Choose the sales tab => and choose a sales MSL for this representative.

  • Click Update.

Product Brands (optional)

  • Goto Side-menu => Settings => Sales => Product brands

  • click add product brand

  • choose a name , local name for your brand and click Add.

  • now you can go to products and assign this brand to a specific product

  • This feature will help you in reporting , which you can filter any sales activity by specific brand .

Test your data with the mobile app

  • Login into Repzo mobile app as a representative

  • navigate to Search screen and select a client

  • Start a visit

  • Then goto Create Sales Order and you would see products like the image bellow

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